Video: The Ebola Effect. Hyping the Next Bioweapon For Fear and Profit

Video The Ebola Effect: Hyping the Next Bioweapon For Fear and Profit Documentation Ebola: Panic or Pandemic? – An open source investigation Time Reference: 02:05 WHO FAQ on Ebola virus disease Time Reference: 06:55 Study suggesting that Ebola can be transmissible through the air Time Reference: 08:18 Experts say transmission of Ebola virus by air…

Hopes To Regulate Geoengineering (Chemtrails), Board Meeting

Hopes To Regulate Geoengineering (Chemtrails), Board Meeting, Pollution

Arguments surrounding geoengineering, more commonly known as “chemtrails”, were heard by the Shasta County Board of Supervisors Tuesday. Shasta County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to look further into the aluminum contamination issue. It was a record turnout at the Shasta County BOS meeting on Tuesday, July 15. The chairman, Les Baugh, told the group…

Operation LAC, Black Programs, ALTERED BLOOD & Food Study Aerosol Operations Connection Hypothesis, Transhumanism, Believe?

Operation LAC, Black Programs, ALTERED BLOOD & Food Study Aerosol Operations Connection Hypothesis, Transhumanism, Believe? Operation LAC was a huge test program in which the US Army Chemical Corp used ground and aircraft-based sources to spray toxic Zinc Cadmium Sulfide over large regions of the U.S.  These aerosol spraying tests were conducted without informing the public…

Danger: E-cigarettes Study, Health Risk, Toxicity & Cancer

Danger: E-cigarettes Study, Health Risk, Toxicity & Cancer

Danger: E-cigarettes Scientific Study, Health Risk, Toxicity & Cancer In a major scientific review of research on e-cigarettes, UC San Francisco scientists found that industry claims about the devices are unsupported by the evidence to date, including claims that e-cigarettes help smokers quit. Toxins and nicotine have been measured in that aerosol, such as formaldehyde,…

Designed to Fail, Chemical Agriculture, Tech, Genetic Modification, Human-Animal Hybrids?

Designed to Fail, Chemical Agriculture, Tech, Genetic Modification, Human-Animal Hybrids?  One of the most important things to remember when dealing with companies such as Monsanto, Dow, DuPont, etc., is that they are first and foremost chemical manufacturing companies. The genetically engineered seeds (GMO) they produce are designed to increase pesticide usage, not decrease it. Their…

Reddit Censorship, Aspartame & BPA New Study

Say what you want about Reddit‘s r/technology, one of its most popular forums. Just don’t say “NSA,” “net neutrality,” “Comcast,” “Bitcoin,” or any of the roughly 50 other words that will secretly get your post deleted. There’s a bot in r/technology, ready to delete any so-called controversial headline you try to submit. In July, Reddit…

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Scientific Studies Proving GMOs Are Unsafe Health Risks

There are a multitude of credible scientific studies that clearly demonstrate why GMOs should not be consumed, and more are emerging every year. There are also a number of scientists all around the world who oppose them. By slipping it into our food without our knowledge, without any indication that there are genetically modified organisms…

Monsanto Bullying, China, Russia & Vermont REJECT GMOs, Latest In-Depth GMO Analysis, Shopping Guide, India, Brazil, Science War

To get real science about GMOs, you have to consult scientists who aren’t shills for the biotech industry, and several new studies have proven beyond a doubt that genetically modified foods are far different from their non-GMO counterparts. This is an important time for research like this to be presented to the public since thus…

Entheogens of Religion, Criminalized Medicine, Freedom of Religion, Scientific Studies, War on Drugs

Entheogens of Religion, Criminalized Medicine, Freedom of Religion, Scientific Studies, War on Drugs

Entheogens. Combining the ancient Greek adjective entheos (“inspired, animated with deity”) and the verbal root in genesis (“becoming”), it signifies “something that causes the divine to reside within one.” Prior to the recent revival of interest in psychoactive plants and compounds, the need for a new word for these botanical mediators led psychiatrist Humphry Osmond…

GMOs – GM Safety Fraud, New Studies, Glyphoste, Monsanto

According to a study published Monday, the Western Corn Rootworm (actually a beetle larvae) has already developed a resistance to not one but two strains of genetically modified corn thanks to the over-reliance and improper implementation of the crops by farmers in Iowa. Researchers first discovered that the worms were growing resistant to the Cry3Bb1…

How To Block Dietary Mercury Lab Results, Detox

Eat strawberries to block dietary mercury! Captures over 95% of dietary mercury In tests, strawberries were able to capture over 95% of all the mercury added to the gastric acid solution in a human digestion simulator. This effect was also confirmed for freeze-dried strawberries but not strawberry juice because pure juice lacks fibers (pulp). Why…

New GMO Study Links GMOs To Gluten Disorders and cause leukemia

NEW GMO Study, DNA Radiation GMOs, Cancer, leukemia & Bitcoin Assault

A New Study was recently released by the Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT), and uses data from the US department of Agriculture, US Environmental Protection Agency, medical journal reviews as well as other independent research.(1)(2) The authors relate GM foods to five conditions that may either trigger or exacerbate gluten-related disorders, including the autoimmune disorder, Celiac…