Bundy Ranch, BLM Abused Cliven Bundy’s Cattle, Mass Graves, PETA, Ranch Damaged


Bundy Ranch, BLM Abused Cliven Bundy’s Cattle, Mass Graves, PETA, Ranch Damaged, Bureau of Land Management

The US federal government might have just evoked the fury of animal right groups over their shocking treatment of cattle at the Bundy Ranch, and may soon face legal charges of severe animal abuse in Clark County, Nevada.

Federal agency’s treatment of residents at the Bundy Ranch this past week included tasering, beating, wrongful arrest, threatening residents with attack dogs, and mobilizing a federal paramilitary force whose barrels were trained on US citizens, all in all, spending at least $3 million of tax payer money in an effort to sell stolen cattle over state lines in Utah and California. A legal argument has also been made that the US Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is now guilty of racketeering under the federal RIC) statute (Racketeer Influenced and Corruption Organizations). If all that wasn’t enough, evidence is now emerging regarding pattern of extreme cruelty and abuse, and suspected culling of animals from the Bundy Ranch.

Nevada Assemblywoman Michelle Fiore has released new shocking information and images which document the horrors which BLM agents have inflicted on previously happy and healthy livestock.

During a live radio broadcast of The Pete Santilli Show on GNM, Fiore reveals new details of “the BLM’s method of herding where they have slaughtered horses and cows. This time we have video of it, and pictures of it.”

“I did post the first picture of one cow who was shot in the back of the head from a helicopter (photo above).”

“I personally helped save a calf who still had an umbilical cord attached to her as she was separated from her mom. It is such a disgusting event (…)… they (BLM) don’t herd cattle – they slaughter cattle”, said Fiore.

According to the Bundy family, in total, 27 baby calves have been rescued thus far, but farmers are still having trouble matching them up with their mothers.

‘Abusively corralled’

“If you look at the stewardship of land, and herding of cattle, first of all these particular cattle that were grazing on 600,000 acres – understand that when the Bundy family would herd their own cattle, there would be water taps to where the cattle would go down to the water and herd them humbly and softly – no cruelty, no abuse, herding them to where the cattle could get injured”.

“We now have an evidenced-based argument now with how the BLM cannot take care of that cattle. We have cows giving birth (in the federal pen) where baby calves have been stepped on and killed.”

“This is the BLM’s practice. They herd animals with helicopters, ATV’s, and shotguns… If any cows get out of line – they get a bullet in the back of the head”.

“Make sure the BLM are off state land and make sure the BLM are not allowed to herd cattle again”.

Mass Graves
“Near their compound, right off the highway, they were digging holes (…)… They tried to bury some cows on the compound, but I guess they didn’t dig the hole deep enough, so throw a cow in and they dirt over him and you have cows legs cows’ legs sticking up out of the dirt”.

Daniel-P-Love-BLMEarlier this week GMN revealed a secret recording of the BLM Special Agent in Charge, Daniel P. Love (photo, left), who had stated that the BLM have not killed any cattle. Fiore’s reply to Love’s claim:

“He’s a flat out liar, period.”

It was confirmed by ranchers and observers last week of how the BLM and their “contract cowboy” had deployed aggressive practices whilst rustling the Bundy’s herd, using tactical helicopters (image, below) forcing cattle to removal zones, often times driving cows uphill in 90F heat – a lethal practice known to cause tremendous stress and exhaustion to the animals, causing sickness and even premature death.

Evidence of BLM’s Deadly Abuse of Animals Taken from Bundy Ranch
Last week, farmers suspected that BLM agents were also scooping up the dead animals with heavy equipment like Backhoe diggers, and either burying carcasses somewhere on the 600,000 acre public grazing land, or disposing of them somewhere off site.

In addition, reports by observers confirmed that spring heifers who were subject to abusive BLM tactics were forced to abandon some calves behind to hide in the desert bush (a common practice by mothers who are being rustled, who later can backtrack to retrieve their young) putting the calves at risk of death.

Critics now believe the BLM and Clark County Sheriff’s Office could be facing a strong legal challenge for their reckless handling of the ill-fated operation underlined by a litany of both human and animal rights abuses.

These men and woman are Americans attacking Americans. I’m speechless. If you saw the number of police agencies united, I’d hope you’d be curious. We are talking about dozens of our finest SWAT members from Metro, Metro black & white cars, EMT, fire rescue trucks, detention buses (a.k.a. Paddy wagons), over 50 Ranger and BLM vehicles, numerous highway patrol vehicles, and a Black Hawk Helicopter on the Moapa airfield, just to name a few. We watched the Waco Massacre and Ruby Ridge; was the BLM preparing for a “Bunkerville Slaughter”? I believe in my heart because of these last two disasters, Americans from all over our country traveled from afar to stand with the Bundys and let our government know enough is enough. I’m proud to stand with my fellow Americans.

The numbers don’t calculate. The federal government had the authority and an open checkbook to spend 10 million dollars or more for a maximum return of $200,000.  Here’s how I calculate that number:  the BLM might collect maybe 400 heads of cattle, taking into account the number of cattle they would kill while rounding them up. From the round up, the cattle would go to auction. How much do you think you’ll pay for a half-dead, beat up cow? Let’s say they were able to successful auction off 400 cows for $500.00 each (I’m being very very generous). The brainiac head of BLM authorized 10 million dollars or more to maybe recoup $200,000.  Really? As a CEO I’d fire that decision-maker immediately. In their minds, maybe it’s worth getting rid of the cows, or just killing them, so the cows won’t destroy equipment for a project they might want to implement.

The BLM tried to paint their actions as enforcing the law; however, there are several other reasons why the BLM chose to pick this fight. It cannot be a coincidence that the place where the Bundy’s have grazed their cattle for hundreds of years would suddenly become an animal refuge for desert tortoises; is it really desert tortoises? If so, why would the BLM be euthanizing them? That’s right, BLM has EUTHANIZED 700-800 desert tortoises. Trust but verify. Click here to read one of many stories about it.

We’re also seeing reports that the BLM land in Gold Butte is very desirable for energy projects, which may have prompted this sudden strong-arm tactic. Don’t trust me, verify it. Click here to read the BLM’s own report on the project.

A major concern in all of this was how the BLM treated the cattle. It is completely irresponsible that after years of conversations, the Feds would begin their roundup during the season when calves are being born. In this mess, newborn calves were separated from their mothers; some were trampled in their holding pens and left for dead. A helicopter acted as a cowboy to heard the cows, causing a few to have heart attacks and die. The conditions of the holding pens where they kept the cows for days were heartless and cruel. Where was PETA?

I do want to comment about the upstanding citizens who came to show their support, including the Oath Keepers, a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders who are committed to defending the Constitution. They are honorable men and women who acted professionally and respectfully.  There were many groups of freedom fighters who traveled from all over our country to stand together. I have a very serious request to all agency officers and that request is, “not to obey your superiors when given a direct order to attack your fellow Americans fighting for the freedoms granted to us by our Constitution”.  Take a sick day or a vacation.

Reports on the ground that day also confirmed that even more armed Federal reinforcements were on the way, but luckily were caught up in stand-still traffic ten miles out from the scene. What were they planning? Photos by a GMN photographer positioned behind federal lines at the Battle of Bundy Ranch, further reveal the scale and scope of Washington’s military operation on US soil.

Viewers can judge for themselves whether or not the US Federal government was playing a deceptive, deadly game with American lives on both sides.













21WIREa-Bundy-Fed-Standoff-April-12-2014-Copyright-GMN (2)
ARMED RANGERS: Back line of armed agents arrive on the scene.

SWAT TEAMS: Local police TAC teams commandeered by the federal government.

CONVOYS GATHERS: Alphabet soup agencies gather to mount their military operation.

TARGETING MEDIA: Watching us, watching them – BLM Sniper points rifle at GMN photographer.

LAYERS OF FIRE: ‘Paintball’ (pepperball), CS Gas in the front, and bullets from the rear.

EYE IN THE SKY: Ariel survelliance overhead as Cowboys move towards federal line.

AGENT IN CHARGE: Dan Love pulls out before Cowboys move to reclaim their herd.

LOVE LOST: Special Agent Love realizing that BLM have painted themselves into a corner.

PULLING BACK: Federal soldiers begin to pull back.

21WIREw-Bundy-Fed-Standoff-April-12-2014-Copyright-GMN 21WIREx-Bundy-Fed-Standoff-April-12-2014-Copyright-GMN
PACKING UP SHOP: Federal soldiers pack-up after giving the right of way to Bundy Cowboys and their supporters.

LIBERATION: Cowboys and supporters prepare to open the cattle gates.

COWS COMING HOME: First cattle released heading back to the Bundy Ranch.

MOTHERS AND BABIES: Cattle families coming home after release from BLM’s federal penitentiary.

AN AMERICAN MOMENT: Bundy Cowboys flying old glory, driving their herd back to pasture.

21WIRE can also reveal a secret recording made prior the final standoff on Saturday afternoon, between BLM Special Agent Dan Love and GMN host Pete Santilli, where Agent Love says, “Constitutions are not decided in the dirt.”

Agent Love adds, “I guarantee you the constitution is on my side – not your side… (…) You (the people) can fight your argument from jail.”



Here’s a photo taken from the air of the BLM’s secret bovine concentration camps. After this photo was released, the BLM ordered the FAA to shut down the air space over the ranch, creating a wartime “no fly zone” to prevent more pictures from being taken

Government tactics caused death of cattle

“It was confirmed by ranchers and observers last week of how the BLM and their ‘contract cowboys’ had deployed aggressive practices whilst rustling the Bundy’s herd, using tactical helicopters [and] forcing cattle to removal zones, often times driving cows uphill in 90-degree heat — a lethal practice known to cause tremendous stress and exhaustion to the animals, causing sickness and even premature death,” the wire service reported.

“In addition, reports by observers confirmed that spring heifers who were subject to abusive BLM tactics were forced to abandon some calves behind to hide in the desert bush (a common practice by mothers who are being rustled, who later can backtrack to retrieve their young) putting the calves at risk of death.”

Critics now believe the BLM and Clark County Sheriff’s Office could face legal challenges for reckless handling of the situation. It is now obvious that they were all complicit in the commission of horrific atrocities against animals.

Some have made a legal observation that the BLM, which falls under the U.S. Department of the Interior, may be guilty of racketeering under federal RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corruption Organization) statutes.


According to several reports breaking on social media Wednesday, federal agents targeting the Bundy Ranch in Clark County, Nev. did much more than merely herd hundreds of cows away from the site prior to backing down from their position Saturday. The following graphic images are being distributed by the Bundy Ranch as proof that multiple head of cattle were slaughtered, apparently under the direction of federal Bureau of Land Management officers.

bundy cows 6Some close-up shots reportedly reveal the entrance point of wounds that took down the family’s livestock.

bundy cows 5The photos show the dead and decaying cattle, offering little room for speculation beyond the assumption that BLM agents were complicit in their deaths.

bundy cows 3With elected officials, including Democrat Sen. Harry Reid, declaring the standoff is “not over,” many worry the government’s apparent predilection for violence could easily spill over to include human targets.

bundy cows 4Many outraged commenters have pointed out the glaring hypocrisy of animal rights groups who, at this point, have remained largely silent regarding allegations of cattle mistreatment on the ranch by federal forces.

BLM killed prize bulls and cut holes in water tanks and destroyed fences during the stand-off last week in Clark County, Nevada.

When injustice becomes law resistance becomes a duty


The Legality of Federal Land. Constitutional? BLM Cliven Bundy Ranch, New BLM Whistleblower, Reid Bunkerville, Senator Harry Reid, Nevada



Bundy Ranch, New BLM Whistleblower, Senator Harry Reid, Bureau of Land Management BLM, Cattle, Conflict Showdown & Revolution


Sources: http://21stcenturywire.com/2014/04/16/exclusive-evidence-of-blms-deadly-abuse-of-animals-taken-from-bundy-ranch/ , http://votefiore.com/2014/04/14/truth-bundys-vs-blm/ , http://www.naturalnews.com/044746_animal_atrocities_mass_graves_Bundy_Ranch.html  http://www.westernjournalism.com/graphic-photographic-evidence-slaughtered-cows-bundy-ranch/

8 thoughts on “Bundy Ranch, BLM Abused Cliven Bundy’s Cattle, Mass Graves, PETA, Ranch Damaged

  1. Pingback: Bundy Ranch, BLM Abused Cliven Bundy’s Cattle, Mass Graves, PETA, Ranch Damaged | 2012 The Awakening

  2. Pingback: Bundy Ranch, Bureau of Land Management BLM, Cattle, Conflict Showdown & Revolution | usnewsghost

  3. It is about time some brave citizen started standing up to the federal government. The feds think they are above the law from the president on down. When the president starts enforcing laws about illegal aliens, the OBAMACARE laws he shoved down the throats of American Citizens that he now choses to ignore because they will not help his democratic allies get reelected, and stops having agencies he controls illegally attack political groups and individuals that do not agree with the president’s politics, Mr. Bundy may want to rethink his willingness to recognize the federal laws. The federal government is too big for it’s own britches and is now attacking citizens. Once the president starts following the laws, the citizens can be expected to do the same.

  4. Pingback: The Legality of Federal Land. Constitutional? BLM Cliven Bundy Ranch, New BLM Whistleblower, Reid Bunkerville, Senator Harry Reid, Nevada | usnewsghost

  5. Pingback: Recent Top News, GMOs, Edward Snowden, Ukraine, Science, Internet, Bitcoin | PicNews

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